Scheduling and execution parameters

The following table describes scheduling and execution parameters.




Determines which Hosts that are not defined in the Control-M/Server are allowed to initiate communication with it

Valid values: N, Y

Default: Y


When there is no current Control-M/EM session, Control-M accumulates database updates before downloading them to Control‑M/EM. CD_MAX_DBU determines the maximum number of updates to accumulate before requesting a download.

Valid Values: 100–2^31

Default: 1000

How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization => Advanced Communication and Operational Parameters => Maximum Job State Changes.

Refresh Type: Manual


For jobs in the SMART Folder, determines conditions of which unscheduled predecessor jobs to ignore.

Valid values:

  • AJF – Ignore predecessor jobs in the Active Jobs level. When selected, jobs in the SMART Folder ignore conditions set by jobs in Active Jobs that are not scheduled.
  • GROUP – Ignore predecessor jobs in the group level. When selected, jobs in the SMART Folder ignore conditions set by jobs in the SMART Folder that are not scheduled. Default.

    NOTE: This parameter is relevant only when ADJUST_COND is set to Y. For more information, see ADJUST_COND in Control-M Parameter.

Default: GROUP

Refresh Type: Manual


Enables user-defined variables to contain the - (hyphen) character.

Valid values: N, Y

Default: N

Refresh Type: Manual

NOTE: If a job has an variable that includes a hyphen in the variable name, it will fail when submitted to an agent that is running on UNIX.


Indicates if job with a time zone specified should be ordered according to the current Odate, or tomorrow’s Odate.

Valid values:

  • Y – During the New Day Procedure, jobs with a specified time zone are ordered only if they are scheduled for tomorrow’s Odate.
  • N – During the New Day Procedure, jobs with a specified time zone are ordered only if they are scheduled for the current Odate.

Default: Y

Refresh Type: Recycle


Indicates if AutoEdit variable %%MEMLIB overrides the MEMLIB value for all jobs in a folder with a command such as:

ctmorder -schedtab test2...-jobname "*" -autoedit %%MEMLIB d:/testdir

If you use the same command for a specific jobname, this parameter is ignored.

Valid values: Y, N

Default: N

Refresh Type: Manual


Controls creation of dummy jobs that run in place of unscheduled prerequisite jobs.

Valid values:

  • Y—A dummy job waits for the prerequisite conditions expected by the job it is replacing, and performs the post processing of the job. When a SMART Folder is ordered, jobs in the folder that should not be ordered at this time are ordered as DUMMY jobs. This functionality is useful for data centers that require identical job flow regardless of whether certain jobs in a folder are ordered for a specific instance of the folder.
  • N—Out conditions of the jobs that were not ordered are ignored by the ordered jobs in the SMART Folder.

    NOTE: This parameter is relevant only when ADJUST_COND is set to Y. For more information, see ADJUST_COND in Control-M Parameters.

Default: N

Refresh Type: Manual


Indicates if SMART Folder or Sub-folder conditions should be checked for each job in a SMART Folder or Sub-folder after the SMART Folder or Sub-folder conditions have been satisfied.

Valid values:

  • N— SMART Folder or Sub-folder conditions are ignored when ordering specific jobs in a folder.
  • Y— SMART Folder or Sub-folder conditions are checked for each job in the folder (in addition to conditions specified for the job).

    NOTE: If N is specified for this parameter, SMART Folders or Sub-folders are activated when the necessary conditions exist, and remain active regardless of whether or not any of those conditions are deleted.

Default: N

Refresh Type: Manual


The default action of the utility is to order, not force, jobs in Active Jobs. This action can be modified by adding keyword Force to the command that invokes the utility. To change the default to force, set this parameter to Y.

Valid values: Y, N

Default: N

Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines the number of seconds to wait before releasing a lock on all folders in a user daily.

Default: 900

Refresh Type: Manual (ctmipc -dest all -msgid CFG)

EXAMPLE: If the user daily duration is 8 minutes, change the CTM_UDAILY_LOCK_TIMEOUT parameter to 480 or more.


Indicates when Cyclic jobs/SMART Folders that have previously executed at least once, are removed from Active Jobs by the New Day procedure.

Valid values:

  • KEEP – each job is removed when MAXWAIT days have passed regardless of whether it ended OK.
  • NOT_KEEP – each job (non-cyclic and cyclic) is removed from Active Jobs at the next run of the New Day procedure. Cyclic jobs/SMART Folders are not removed if they are executing when the New Day procedure begins. Instead, they are removed at the run of the following New Day procedure.

Default: KEEP

Refresh Type: Recycle


If a Cyclic job/SMART Folder ends NOTOK and this parameter is set to OK, the Cyclic job/SMART Folder will be rerun. If set to NOTOK, the Cyclic job/SMART Folder will not be rerun.

Valid values: OK, NOTOK

Default: OK

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines whether a Control-M/Agent is automatically discovered using an unfamiliar host.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N

Default: Y


Type of Alert message to send to Control‑M/EM when a job is not ordered due to scheduling criteria.

Valid values:

  • 0 – One General Alert per User Daily: ONE OR MORE JOBS IN DAILY <daily_name> WERE NOT ORDERED
  • 1 – One Alert message per job: DAILY <daily_name> FAILED TO ORDER JOBNAME <jobname>
  • 2 – Do not issue Alert messages

Default: 0

Refresh Type: Recycle



Determines whether negative values take precedence over positive values in Week or Day parameters when defining a job schedule

Valid values:

  • 0
  • 1

Default: 1


When DAYS is >n, or <n, should we order the job on the next (>n), or previous (<n) working day, if n is a non-existing day for the specific month? If the parameter is set to Y, then we should order the job

Valid values: N, Y

Default: N

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the maximum number of seconds to wait for a shout to program to complete before continuing to process the job

Valid values: 0 (unlimited) - 2147483648

Default: 20


Error code returned by ctmudly utility if one or more jobs in a folder are not ordered by a User Daily job (due to scheduling criteria or security settings).

Valid values:

  • 0 – User Daily job ends with an exit code of 0 even if not all jobs are ordered.
  • 1 – User Daily job ends with an exit code of 14 if not all jobs are ordered.

Default: 0

Refresh Type: Automatic


Indicates which variables are sent to the agent for each submitted job.

Valid values:

  • SYSTEM—All the variables for each submitted job are sent to the agent. These include System, Global, Group, and Local variables.
  • GLOBAL—Global, Group, and Local variables are sent to the agent for each submitted job. System variables are not sent.
  • GROUP—Group and Local variables are sent to the agent for each submitted job. System and Global variables are not sent.
  • LOCAL—Only Local variables are sent to the agent.

Default: LOCAL

Refresh Type: Manual

Parent Topic

Control-M/Server parameters