SOAP envelope for Control-M/EM requests and responses

SOAP ("Simple Object Access Protocol") is a simple XML-based protocol that allows applications to exchange information. For more information, see

Control‑M/EM API uses SOAP envelopes to wrap the Control‑M/EM requests and responses. Successful responses appear directly below the SOAP-ENV:Body node and contain the information requested or indicate success. Every request has a specific ctmem response. For example, ctmem:response_unregister is the response for a ctmem:request_unregister request.

FAULT responses are wrapped within a SOAPFAULT element and report failed requests. The fault node is located below the SOAP detail node. The fault node contains information about the errors that caused the operation to fail. Every request has a specific fault response. For example, ctmem:fault_unregister is the fault response for the ctmem:request_unregister request.

The following topics describe successful request and response examples together with a fault response:

Parent Topic

Request and response parameters