response_job_track XML parameters

The following table describes response_job_track XML parameters:




Describes the condition of the element that contains it. String.

NOTE: status is a descriptive element in the response and job elements.


Indicates a sequence of job, which includes the following parameters:

  • status: Describes the condition of the element that contains it (such as, Error). String.
  • job_data: An element that contains other parameters that describe the job A sequence of job_data. See job_data XML parameters.
  • error_list: A sequence of error. See Fault Response
  • error_list attribute: highest_severity: Indicates the severity level of the most critical error included in the error list. If only one error is included, the severity for that error is displayed. String.


Indicates a sequence of error. See Fault Response

For an example of a response, see response_job_track XML parameters (tracking single job) example and response_job_track XML parameters (tracking multiple jobs) example. For error codes, see Job tracking request errors (Major code 406).

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Job tracking