response_poll_create_aj XML parameters

The following table describes response_poll_create_aj XML parameters:




Describes the condition of the element that contains it.(for example, Error). String.


A sequence of a Job parameter that indicates a single job, which includes the following parameters:

  • status: Defines the condition of the element that contains it (such as Error). String
  • job_data: Job_data: An element that contains other parameters that describe the job. A sequence of job_data, which contains the following parameters:
  • rba: Relative block address. String
  • order_id: Serial number assigned to the job by Control‑M Workload Automation installation. String.
  • file_name: Name of the file that contains the job script. String.
  • job_name: Name of the job. String.
  • is_folder: Indicates whether the job is a member of a SMART Folder. Valid values: no (not a member of a SMART Folder) or yes (member of a SMART Folder)
  • ret_text: Text describing the job run. String.

For an example of a poll response, see Job creation examples.

Parent Topic

request_create_aj XML parameters