request_def_add_folder XML parameters

The following table describes the request_def_add_folder XML Parameters:




Defines the serial identification number supplied to the user during registration. String.


Defines a folder wrapper. The folder is identified by the following elements:

  • control_m: Name of the Control‑M installation that processes the request. String.
  • folder_name: Name of the folder. String. Full slash (/) separates the parent folder name. For example, to add job X to an existing sub-folder C, that resides in sub-folder B, that resides in SMART outermost folder A, specify "A/B/C" in the folder_name.
  • folder_library: (Control‑M for z/OS only) Name of the library in which the folder is located. String.


Defines a sequence of job. For a list of the parameters for job, refer to Job and SMART Folder XML parameters.

For an example of a request, see request_def_add_folder XML example (sub folder to sub folder).

Parent Topic

Add folder to folder definitions