InvokeException class

Enables Control‑M/EM API user to obtain error information when an exception is thrown.

For error codes and exceptions see Error codes and exceptions.

The InvokeException class includes the methods listed in the following table:




Enables you to obtain the Major Code that identifies the error family to which an error belongs.

  • Syntax: Public int getMajorCode()
  • Parameters: None
  • Return codes: int. An integer that identifies the error family to which the error belongs.


Enables you to obtain the Minor Code of an error. The Minor Code provides a unique identifier for the error in the family to which it belongs.

  • Syntax: Public int getMinorCode()
  • Parameters: None
  • Return codes: int. An integer that provides a unique identifier for the error in its family.


Enables you to obtain the text description of an error.

  • Syntax: Public String getReason()
  • Parameters: None
  • Return codes: String. This string is a text description of the error.

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Control-M/EM API Class references