Control-M high availability on one host

To ensure that Control-M continues to run when it is installed on one host, the Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server Configuration Agent monitor and manage the following components in the CCM:

If a Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server component goes down, the Configuration Agent attempts to start it up (if desired state is set to Up), based on defined intervals, as described in Maintenance parameters and High Availability parameters.

If you are using a PostgreSQL database, the Configuration Agent manages the database component and sends a life check every defined interval (see Maintenance parameters and High Availability parameters). If there is no response after a defined number of attempts, the Configuration Agent restarts the database automatically. If you are using an Oracle or MSSQL database, you can view the database component in the CCM, but the Configuration Agent does not manage the component and cannot start it up or shut it down.

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High availability