Creating a usage alert

This procedure describes how to create a usage alert, which enables you to set alerts when the number of tasks in a platform exceeds the permitted limit.

To create a usage alert:

  1. From the Manage tab, in the Alerts group, select Usage Alerts.

    The Usage Alerts window appears.

  2. Select the Alerts tab.
  3. Select the Enable Alerts checkbox.
  4. Select the platform you want to set up alerts for, and then click Add_Parameter.

    If you have both a Control-M for z/OS and a Control-M for Distributed Systems platform, select the Alerts for all platforms option.

  5. In the Task Count field, set the number of permitted tasks.
  6. In the Alert when task count exceeds field, set the percentage of the permitted tasks that when exceeded an alert is issued.
  7. In the Alert e-mail recipients field, type the e-mail addresses of the recipients of the alert.

    If adding multiple e-mails, type each e-mail separated with ;.

  8. Click Save.

    The usage alert is created.

Parent Topic

Usage alerts