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Service must complete

Defines the time the critical service must be completed to be considered on time. The time can be specified either by a specific hour and/or day or on a specific hour and minute after the order time.

NOTE: This parameter is relevant for BIM jobs only.

Additional information





This parameter consists of the following sub-parameters:

  • By
  • Number of days
  • In number of hours
  • Number of min after

Variable Name




Specific hour, in the format HH:MM, according to a 24-hour clock. Valid values range include 00:01 through 99:59

Number of days

Determine on which day the critical service must complete, relative to ODATE. The value is specified in terms of the number of days after the order date of the service.

0 represents the order date, 1 represents one day after the order date, and so on. Default: 0

In number of hours

A specified number of hours.

Number of min after

A specified number of minutes.

Parent Topic

General parameters