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Configuring connection details for a remote Windows server

This procedure describes how to configure connection details for a remote Windows server, which enables you to avoid any problems caused by this issue when defining a Control-M MFT connection profile.

There is no standard way in which Windows-based FTP/SFTP servers display the file system.

To configure connection details for a remote Windows server:

  1. From your local FTP/SFTP client, connect to the remote Windows FTP/SFTP server as follows:
    1. FTP: enter ftp <host>
    2. SFTP: enter sftp <username>@<host>

    The FTP/SFTP server might require that you define the domain. Both the username and host must be the same values you use when defining the connection profile.

    NOTE: The SFTP Client Application name might vary, depending on the application or the platform on which you are working.

  2. Type your password.
  3. From the command line, type pwd.

    The user home directory is displayed.

    The syntax of the path of the home directory indicates the operating system on which it is running.

  4. Select the appropriate host OS Type in Connection Profile Management utility according to the following:
    1. If the path uses ‘/’, define the host as UNIX.
    2. If the path uses ‘\’, define the host as Windows.

    If you select UNIX as the OS Type, you should not transfer files in ASCII mode.

  5. In the Connection Profile utility, ensure that home directory path name is defined using the same syntax as that shown in the pwd command (see step 3).

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Configuration procedures