
Compresses the file before the transfer.



If this value is unspecified, the Compression parameter defined for the connection profile is used.

For host computers that are not defined to use SFTP, this field is disabled.



Valid Values

No: Compression off

Yes: Compression on


Based on the Compression parameter defined in the connection profile.

Variable Name


Note: x is either 1 or 2 and indicates the z/OS host (1 refers to the host defined on the left side of the Connection Profile Details dialog box, and 2 refers to the host defined on the right side of the Connection Profile Details dialog box).

y indicates a value between 1-5, according to the sequential transfer number

For example, when performing a file transfer from one z/OS host to another z/OS host, the variable:

%%FTP-COMPRESSION21 contains the compression value to set for the connection to the z/OS host defined on the right side of the Connection Profile Details dialog box, in the first file transfer.


Parent Topic

SFTP parameters