Additional Options

Defines MVS FTP Server SITE command sub-parameters and values (214 characters maximum).

To work with GDG data sets, type DCbdsn=model_dataset_name.





Variable Name


Note: x is either 1 or 2 and indicates the z/OS host (1 refers to the host defined on the left side of the Connection Profile Details dialog box, and 2 refers to the host defined on the right side of the Connection Profile Details dialog box).

y indicates a value from 1 through 5, according to the sequential transfer number

For example, when performing a file transfer from one z/OS host to another z/OS host, the variable:

%%FTP-ADDOPT21 contains additional options to set for the connection to the z/OS host defined on the right side of the Connection Profile Details dialog box, in the first file transfer.

Parent Topic

MVS parameters