ssl_client_server.conf parameters

The following table describes parameters in the ssl_client_server.conf file.




Indicates whether authentication is required for server, client, or both. Valid values: SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER_AND_CLIENT


Points to the location of the private key.


Points to the location of the certificate.


Points to the CA certificate.


Points to a binary file used to generate random numbers for dynamically encrypting communications between client and server. The file provided by Control-M/EM can be replaced with another binary file. Client and server binary files are independent and do not need to match. Default: <Control-M/EM Home Directory>/ini/ssl/rnd.bin

NOTE: This parameter is optional for Windows installations.


Defines the list of ciphers that can be used, as described in Configuring ciphers for CORBA connections.

Parent Topic

Storing certificates for TAO