Job properties pane parameters

The table below lists the parameters in the File Transfer properties pane.



Connection profile

Defines a file transfer connection.


Defines the file transfer mode as Binary, ASCII or Ebcdic

File Transfer Direction

Determines watch and transfer source and destination

End job NOTOK when "Continue on failure" option is selected

Sets the job status to NOTOK when the Continue on failure checkbox is selected in the General tab in the Advanced dialog box, and the transfer failed.

Rerun from point of failure

Resumes the file transfer from the point that it failed.

Transfer Location

Defines the source and destination locations on the host computers.

Use default number of retries

Uses the default number of retries to re-establish a failed connection.

If you are using an MVS platform, this checkbox is disabled.

Number of retries

Determines the number of connection attempts between 0-99 after a connection failure to an FTP server.


Defines the name of the host computer

OS Type

Defines the operating system of the host computer


Defines the user of the selected host.


Defines the type of the transfer protocol; LOCAL, FTP,FTP-SSL, and SFTP.

Parent Topic

Control-M for MFT parameters