Jobs view

The following figure shows jobs that belong to a specific service in the left pane and the related details of the selected job in the right pane:

The following table describes the various actions you can perform in the Jobs view:




Enables you to refresh the Jobs View manually.

The jobs are automatically refreshed at defined intervals.


Opens the neighboring jobs in a new tab. The neighboring jobs include related prerequisite jobs of the selected job, and jobs that are dependent on the selected job.


Enables you to hold, release, re-run, confirm, restart, set to OK, kill, order or update the selected job, as described in Control-M Self Service service management.


Enables you to view the jobs in Tile view that shows limited details of the selected job.


Enables you to view the jobs in List view that shows descriptive details of the selected job, as described in Job details. You can do the following:

  • Filter the job by typing a value in the relevant column or selecting a value from the drop-down list
  • Select which fields you want to appear in the List view
  • Group fields together


Enables you to zoom in and out on jobs in Tile view.

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Control-M Self Service navigation