Editing a Workspace

This example describes how to implement some workspace functionality including, creating jobs, setting properties, changing the view, finding jobs, and creating dependencies between jobs.

To edit a Workspace:

  1. Click the Planning domain.
  2. Click the NewWorkspace tab.

    A New tab appears. The tab is the Planning - Home page.

  3. To open a workspace, click My Work.
  4. Select a workspace from the list.

    The jobs and folders are loaded into the workspace with the default Map view in the center pane.

  5. From the Workspace tab, New group (Job palette), drag and drop a Folder into the center pane.
  6. If the Control-M Server Selection dialog appears, select the Control-M/Server from the drop-down list, and click OK.

    A folder is created.

  7. From the Workspace tab, New group (Job palette), drag and drop an OS job into the folder you created.

    An OS job is created.

  8. To edit the fields, if the Synopsis view (summary view) is enabled, click Details.

    A detailed view of the Job Properties appears in the right pane.

  9. Do the following:
    1. In the Description field, type a short description.

      The field is updated after you move your cursor to another field.

    2. To create a dependencies between jobs, select Prerequisites tab in the Job Properties pane.

      A detailed view of Prerequisites appears.

    3. To add conditions, in In Conditions, select Add_Parameter .

      The Conditions Details box appears.

    4. Type the name of the condition and select an Order date.
    5. Click OK.

      The Condition is created.

    6. Select a job from one folder, and drag and drop it to another folder.
  10. To change the view, in the View tab, select View_List.

    The center pane appears with the jobs defined in the List view. You can change the view to be Map view.

  11. To rearrange the jobs and folders in the Workspace, click Rearrange_Workspace.

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Step-by-step scenarios