Enabling Control-M/Agent for non-root mode

This procedure describes how to enable Control-M/Agent for non-root mode for jobs that are owned by a user that is different from the one running Control-M/Agent.

NOTE: If the only jobs run are owned by the same user that runs the Control-M/Agent, it is not necessary to take any action to set up non-root operation mode.

To enable Control-M/Agent for non-root mode:

  1. Log in as user root and run the set_agent_mode script using the enable non root mode option on each installed Control-M/Agent. The script need only be run once for each Control-M/Agent.
  2. From the Control-M Configuration Manager, define a job owner password for each job owner that is used by the Control-M/Agent.
  3. For an upgrade installation, you must replace the automatic startup script on each Control-M/Agent computer to reflect its root or non-root status.

    You can toggle between root mode and non-root mode on any Control-M/Agent by shutting down the Control-M/Agent from the user that is currently running the Control-M/Agent, and re-starting Control-M/Agent with the user necessary for the new mode.

Parent Topic

Control-M post installation procedures on UNIX