Configuring the automatic startup procedure for Control-M/Agent on UNIX (optional)

This procedure describes how to configure the startup procedure for Control-M/Agents automatically at system startup time. Consult your system administrator for the correct commands with regard to Control-M/Agent on the platform you are using. During installation of Control-M/Agent, a ready-made startup script, rc.agent_user, is placed in <ctm_agentInstallFolder>/ctm/scripts.

NOTE: Control-M/Agents that were shut down manually are not restarted by the automatic startup procedure during a shutdown-restart operation.

To configure the automatic startup procedure for Control-M/Agent on UNIX:

  1. Copy the startup script rc.agent_user to the OS specific init.d directory, as described in Control-M/Agent automatic startup procedures.
  2. Create a relative path to the rc2.d directory pointing to the script in the init.d directory.
  3. Run the startup procedure command as the root user.

Parent Topic

Control-M post installation procedures on UNIX