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Automatic startup/shutdown procedure for Control-M/Server on UNIX

The database server and Control-M/Server must be running at all times on the initial Control-M/Server installation. BMC Software recommends that they be started at system startup time.

You can modify the startup procedure to ensure that the database server, Control-M/Server, and the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent are started during system startup. The command to copy the necessary startup instructions to your system startup directory is listed below.

All commands shown below must be executed as the root user.

Depending on your operating system, modify the automatic startup procedure as described in the following table:

Operating system

Startup procedure

Shutdown procedure


cp <ctmHome>/ctm_server/data/rc.<controlmUser> /etc/

Open the /etc/inittab file in an editor, and append the following line at the end of the file.


EXAMPLE:cp /home/controlm/ctm_server/data/rc.controlm /etc

In the file /etc/inittab add the following:


NOTE: If you want to use the automatic shutdown procedure, you cannot use the respawn command.

Open the /etc/rc.shutdown file in an editor, and append the following line at the end of the file.

/usr/bin/su - <controlmUser> -c '<ctmHome>/ctm_server/scripts/shut_ca; <ctmHome>/ctm_server/scripts/shut_ctm -CA; sleep 20; <ctmHome>/ctm_server/scripts/shutdb;'

NOTE: If you are not performing a graceful shutdown, the sleep value needs to be higher.

NOTE: If you want to perform a graceful shutdown, use the -r flag (shutdown -r).

EXAMPLE: usr/bin/su – controlm -c '/home/controlm/ctm_server/scripts/shut_ca; /home/controlm/ctm_server/scripts/shut_ctm -CA; sleep 20; /home/controlm/ctm_server/scripts/shutdb;'

Oracle Solaris

cp <ctmHome>/ctm_server/data/rc.<controlmUser> /etc/rc2.d/S98<controlmUser>

cp /home/controlm/ctm_server/data/rc.controlm /etc/rc2.d/S98ccontrolm


cp <ctmHome>/ctm_server/data/rc.<controlmUser> /etc/rc.d/<controlmUser>

ln -s /etc/rc.d<controlmUser> /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S98<controlmUser>

cp /home/controlm/ctm_server/data/rc.controlm/etc/rc.d/controlm

ln -s/etc/rc.d/controlm/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S98controlm

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11



SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12

See Configuring the automatic startup/shutdown procedure for Control-M/Server on UNIX


RedHat 7

See Configuring the automatic startup/shutdown procedure for Control-M/Server on UNIX


Oracle Linux 7

See Configuring the automatic startup/shutdown procedure for Control-M/Server on UNIX


Parent Topic

Control-M post installation procedures on UNIX