Enabling SSL between Control-M/EM Server and Control-M add-ons

This procedure describes how to set up SSL communication between Control-M/EM and Control-M add-ons, such as BIM and Control-M Web.

NOTE: If Control-M/EM Server and the add-on are on separate machines, you must perform the following steps on both machines.

To configure SSL between Control-M/EM Server and Control-M add-ons:

  1. Stop Control-M components:
    1. In the Control-M Configuration Manager, stop all components. For each component, select the component, then right-click and select Desired State > Down.
    2. Stop the config agent, naming service, and CMS as follows:
      • For UNIX, from the Control-M/EM account, run:




      • For Windows:

        Stop the config agent from the Services window (accessible from the Windows Task Manager).

        From the command line, stop the CMS, by running stop_cms.

        Stop the Naming service from the Services window (accessible from the Windows Task Manager).

  2. On UNIX computers only, enter the following command:

    setenv DISPLAY <terminal_IP_address>

  3. Start the Domain Configuration (orbconfigure) wizard with one of the following:

    The Domain Configuration window is displayed.

  4. In the Domain Settings panel do the following:
    1. Select the Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) check box.
    2. In the given path, under Use TAO internal configuration file check box, change the file name ‘client_server.conf’ to ‘ssl_client_server.conf’.
  5. Click Next. The Naming Service panel is displayed (If needed configure the Host and Port values).
  6. Click Next. The summary of the Domain Configuration settings is displayed. Click Finish.
  7. Run: orbadmin ns start.
  8. Start the Control-M components:
    1. Start the config agent:

      For UNIX, from the Control-M/EM account, run start_config_agent.

      For Windows: Start the config agent from the Services window (accessible from the Windows Task Manager).

    2. In the Control-M Configuration Manager, start all components. For each component, select the component, then right-click and select Desired State > Up.

Parent Topic

SSL configuration

See Also

Configuring secure communication between the web server and GUI Server