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The date of the condition.

Additional information





Drop-down list



Any Date

Any scheduling date. The Condition parameter is satisfied if any prerequisite condition with the same name exists, regardless of its associated date.

No Date

Condition is not date-dependent.

This value is valid only for Control‑M/Server version 6.0.01 and later or for Control‑M for z/OS.

Order Date

Variable that is automatically replaced by the job’s original scheduling date (that is, the date on which the job was ordered).

Beginning with version 6.1.03 of Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server, ODAT can also be specified when modifying details of a job in the Active Jobs database.

Previous Order Date

Variable that is automatically replaced by the job’s previous scheduling date.

PREV cannot be specified when modifying details of a job in the Active Jobs database.

Next Order Date

Variable that is automatically replaced by the job’s next scheduling date.

NEXT cannot be specified when modifying details of a job in the Active Jobs database.

Specific Date

A 4-digit date reference in the mmdd or ddmm format, depending on the site standard.


(z/OS only)+ or - followed by a number from 0 through 999, indicating the number of days in the future (+), or in the past (-), relative to the actual order date.

Parent Topic

Prerequisites parameters