
The ctmagcln utility sends a request to all available Control-M/Agents (or to a specified Control-M/Agent) to remove all output files and exit status files that are no longer required, which is determined according to the Maximum Days to Retain Output Files parameter. This utility should run while Control-M/Server is up and running. For more information, see the description of the Output parameters parameter. To run the ctmagcln utility, see Running the ctmagcln utility.

The New Day procedure can request that Agents remove OUTPUT files and exit status files that are no longer needed. In an environment with multiple Agents, it can take a long time to send the clean up request to the Agents during New Day. BMC recommends that you use the AGENTS_CLEANUP_IN_NEWDAY configuration parameter to disable this action during the New Day procedure, and instead use the ctmagcln utility. For more information, see the description of the Configuration parameters configuration parameter.

The ctmagcln utility can be run as a daily job. A message is added to the IOALOG when the clean up of the Agents has ended.

Parent Topic

Administration and configuration