Job Description

Job Description enables a Job to start a Job description specified in Job Description that resides in Library and monitors the Job until the Job ends. This action is similar to Autostart Job Entry (AJE) in a subsystem description.

The following table describes the Job Description parameters for an OS/400 Job.




Defines the library name. Up to 10 characters, valid OS/400 Object name, or one of the special values from the drop down list.

Job Description

Defines the name of the OS/400 Job description used to submit the Job. You can select a Job description name from the generated list.

Overriding library

Defines the name of an alternate library for the file specified with the file name parameter.

Bypass Job

Enables the Job not to run. The following message is generated:

Job was bypassed

Skip validity checks for this Job

Enables you to skip validity checks for all fields.

Parent Topic

OS/400 job Full parameters