OS/400 External

The OS/400 External Job enables you to monitor OS/400 Jobs created in external applications. When attached to Control-M, external Jobs can be released and/or moved to another JOBQ, changed to set specific attributes (for example, RUNPTY) or changed to a new accounting code.

You can access OS/400 External Job from the Job palette in the Planning domain or from the What to run field in OS/400 Full in the Job Properties Pane in Control-M. For more details about O/S 400 parameters, see OS/400 job Full parameters.

The following table describes the OS/400 External Job and external subsystem parameters. Apart from the What to run and External Subsystem/External Job field, the following fields only apply to External Job.



What to run

Run one of the following Jobs:

  • External Job
  • External subsystem

External Job or External Subsystem

Defines the name of the external Job name or subsystem name.


  • When choosing External subsystem, the Run as field is set to QSYS and becomes disables for input
  • All parameters listed below applies to External Job only

Job status

Enables you to select the Job status, which is attached as an external Job.


  • Any Job's status
  • Active
  • Job queue
  • Output queue

Duplicate Job option

Enables you to select an option if more than one external Job matches the external Job attributes (Job name, owner, and Job status):

  • Error: Default. Do not attach the external Job. The Control-M Job ends NOTOK with an appropriate error message.
  • First Job: Take the first Job (time based) that matches the external Job attributes
  • Last Job: Take the last Job (time based) that matches the external Job attributes

Release Job

Enables you to release the Job form JOBQ when the Job is attached to Control-M.

If the Job could not be released, a message is logged in the Control-M/Agent log. However, the Job is attached to Control-M.

Move to Job Queue

Defines the name of a Job queue to move the Job when the Job is attached to Control-M.

Click Load and select a Job queue name from the generated list.

If the Job could not be moved, a message is logged in the Control-M/Agent log. However, the Job is attached to Control-M.


Defines the name of the library where the Job queue resides.

Click Load and select a library name from the generated list.

Change Job command

Specifies any OS/400 CHGJOB command keyword and value that to set the Job when the Job is attached to Control-M.

The following format is used:

Keyword1(value1) ... Keywordn(Valuen)



If the Job could not be changed, a message is logged in the Control-M/Agent log. However, the Job is attached to Control-M.

Set Accounting code

Specifies the accounting code to set the Job, when the Job is attached to Control-M.

A maximum of 15 characters accounting code can be specified.

If the accounting code could not be set for the Job, a message is logged in the Control-M/Agent log. However, the Job is attached to Control-M.

MSGW Auto Reply Profile (MSGWPRF)

Must be the name of an existing MSGW auto reply profile file that is located in the Agent Data directory

Spooled files handling profile (RPTDSTPRF)

Must be the name of an existing Spooled files handling profile file that is located in the Agent Data directory.

Bypass Job

Enables the Job not to run and the following message is generated:

Job was bypassed

Skip validity checks for this Job

Enables you to skip validity checks for all fields.

Parent Topic

OS/400 job Full parameters