Installing Control-M Workload Archiving on UNIX

This procedure describes how to install Control-M Workload Archiving on UNIX on a distributed Control-M/EM.

NOTE: If Control-M/Server is installed on AIX, add the IPC_SOCK_RCVBUF 131072 parameter to config.dat file on the Control-M/Server installation. After you have updated the file, recycle the Control-M/Server.

Before you begin

To install Control-M Workload Archiving on UNIX:

  1. Mount the installation CD from the root user and log off the root user before continuing with the installation.
  2. Log in to the Control-M Workload Archiving account.

    NOTE: If you are using the GUI, set the environment variable DISPLAY to value <hostName>:0.0. It is not necessary to set DISPLAY for console mode or silent mode. (For more information, see Setting environment variables in UNIX.)

  3. Type the following command:


  4. Do one of the following:
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions until the installation is complete.

    NOTE: If you cannot connect to Control-M Workload Archiving from the CCM, see 000087384.

Parent Topic

Control-M Workload Archiving installation