
The ctm_backup_bcp utility exports data from a Control-M/Server database to one of the following directories:

Windows: <controlm_owner>/ctm_server/bcp_backup

UNIX: ~<controlm_owner>/ctm_server/backup_db

Each database folder is backed up as a separate ASCII file. To run the ctm_backup_bcp utility see Running the ctm_backup_bcp utility.

NOTE: The user running the ctm_backup_bcp utility must have access permission to create the directory <controlm_owner>/ctm_server/bcp_backup or ~<controlm_owner>/ctm_server/backup_db

The time taken to backup the Control-M/Server database using the ctm_backup_bcp utility can be shortened by choosing not to backup the Control-M log information (the IOALOG table).

Differences between the ctm_backup_bcp and ctmdbbck utilities

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Control-M/Server utilities