Authorizing non-administrators to manage application plug-in connection profiles

This procedure describes how to to define users or groups who can manage application plug-in connection profiles without granting them unlimited configuration privileges.

NOTE: The permissions set using this procedure supersede the privileges defined in the User Authorization window.

To authorize non-administrators to manage application plug-in connection profiles:

  1. Change the value of the restricted_cm_admin system parameter to 1, as described in Defining Control-M/EM system parameters.
  2. Navigate to the following directory on where the CMS is running:


  3. Type the required value for each tag, as described in cm_admin.xml parameters.

    You can use expressions such as a* or LIKE Bob for any of the fields.

    For an example, see the sample_cm_admin.xml in the ini directory.

  4. Save the file as cm_admin.xml.
  5. Run the following command:

    Ctl.exe -U EM_DBO -P EM_DBO_password -C CMS -name CMS -cmdstr “REFRESH_CM_ADMIN_AUTH”

    You must execute the above command every time the cm_admin.xml file is modified.

Parent Topic

Control-M/EM Authorizations