Control-M Workload Change Manager advanced system parameters

The following table describes Control-M Workload Change Manager system parameters from the Control-M/EM system parameters Advanced window. For a description of all other Control-M Workload Change Manager system parameters, see Defining Control-M Workload Change Manager system parameters.




Determines the number of days to keep approved requests data in the Control-M/EM database.

Default:14 days

Valid values: 0-28 days


Determines the site background color.

Default: SolidBlue


Determines the site background color values.

Default: SolidBlue,SolidGray,SolidBrown,SolidOrange,PatternBlue,PatternGray,PatternBrown,PatternOrange


Defines the template for the e-mail’s subject field that is sent to the End users after the request state changes to one of the following:

  • Returned
  • Approved

Default:Your request <REQUEST_NAME> for Ticket ID <CHANGE_ID> has been <ACTION>


Defines the location of your organization’s logo that is displayed in the Control-M Workload Change Manager login page.


Defines the location of your organization’s logo that is displayed in the Control-M Workload Change Manager interface.

c:\Control-M Workload Change Manager.jpg

Note the following:

  • The maximum size is 100w X 20h pixels.
  • The logo file must be in png or jpg format.


Determines one of the following as the default language for the Control-M Workload Change Manager interface for all users:

  • English
  • German
  • French

Control-M Workload Change Manager users can customize the language settings from the Control-M Workload Change ManagerR interface.


Determines the maximum number of seconds for a job flow to check-in or synchronize before connection timeout.The following error message is displayed:

Connection timeout, please check your request status in the Home page.

Default: 60 seconds


Enables you to enforce the assignment of a Site Standard to a job flow, which prevents Control-M Workload Change Manager web users from creating a job flow without a site standard assigned.

Note: You must set the New Folder Default Strictness Level to Strict to enable Site Standard enforcement for a new job flow.

The Enforce validations of a folder must be set to true to enable Site Standard enforcement on existing folders.

Parent Topic

Control-M Workload Change Manager setup in CCM