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Control-M Workload Change Manager system parameters

The following table describes Control-M Workload Change Manager system parameters. To define these parameters, see Defining Control-M Workload Change Manager system parameters.



Site Logo Path

Defines the location of your organization’s logo that is displayed in the Control-M Workload Change Manager interface.

c:\Control-M Workload Change Manager.jpg

Note the following:

  • The maximum size is 100w X 20h pixels.
  • The logo file must be in png or jpg format.

Site Login Logo Path

Defines the location of your organization’s logo that is displayed in the Control-M Workload Change Manager login page.

Site Interface Language

Determines one of the following as the default language for the Control-M Workload Change Manager interface for all users:

  • English
  • German
  • French

Control-M Workload Change Manager users can customize the language settings from the Control-M Workload Change ManagerR interface.

Maximum Number of Jobs in Flow Diagram View

Determines the maximum number of jobs to load into a flow diagram view. If this number is exceeded, job view automatically changes into list view.

E-Mail Sender

Defines the sender email address that is used to send notifications to Control-M Workload Change Manager end users.

User Inactivity Timeout (minutes):

Determines the number of inactive minutes before the Control-M Control-M Workload Change Manager site times out.

New Folder Default Strictness Level:

Determines whether to enforce validation on a new folder or not.

Order Method Default Settings:

Determines whether Control-M Workload Change Manager jobs are ordered according to specific date and time or automatically.

End User's Site Portal URL (myhomepage)

Defines a URL or a network path that contains an internal site portal that is referenced by Control-M Workload Change Manager end users. The file type can be one of the following:

  • HTML
  • PDF
  • Microsoft Word
  • Any text supported file format

Automatic Save Interval (seconds):

Determines the number of seconds between each workspace save when the Auto Save preference is checked.

Enable Change Management Integration

Enables the integration between Control-M Workload Change Manager and a third party change management system. If disabled, it does not affect the other Workload Change Manager system parameters.

REST Service URL

Defines a URL for the third party change management system REST service that is used to be integrated with Workload Change Manager. For more information see Workload Change Manager integration with a change management system.

If you want to use an HTTPS URL, see Configuring secure communication between Control-M Workload Change Manager and an change manager system.

Note: To use an HTTPS URL the web server must be configured to work with HTTPS.

REST Service Timeout

Determines the time, in seconds, for the REST Service invocation to be considered not responsive when connecting Control-M Workload Change Manager to the REST service.

Change Management Status Button

Determines whether the Change Management Status button is visible or hidden in the Control-M application. If enabled, users can click the button to view the status of a request in the change management system.

Change Ticket Field Editable

Determines whether or not the Change Ticket field in Control-M Workload Change Manager and in Control-M can be edited.

Enable Check-in

Enables the Control-M Workload Change Manager web user to check-in a job flow without having to submit a request to the Control-M Scheduler. If enabled, a Check-in button appears in the Control-M Workload Change Manager web application.

Enable Site Standard Enforcement

Enables you to enforce the assignment of a Site Standard to a job flow, which prevents Control-M Workload Change Manager web users from creating a job flow without a site standard assigned.

Note: You must set the New Folder Default Strictness Level to Strict to enable Site Standard enforcement for a new job flow.

The Enforce validations of a folder must be set to true to enable Site Standard enforcement on existing folders.

Parent Topic

Control-M/EM system parameters