Communication parameters

The following table describes the Control-M/Agent Communication parameters:



Server to Agent Port Number

Defines the port number in the Control-M/Agent computer where data is received from the Control-M/Server computer.

Verify that this port is not used for any other purpose. This value must match the Server-to-Agent Port Number in Control-M/Server.

Valid values: Between 1024 and 65535 inclusive

Default: 7006

Agent to Server Port Number

Defines the port number in the Control-M/Server computer where data is received from the Control-M/Agent computer.

The value assigned to this parameter must correspond to the value assigned to the Server-to-Agent Port Number field in the configuration file on the corresponding Control-M/Agent computer.

Default: 7005

Primary Server

Defines the hostname of the computer where the current Control-M/Server submits Jobs to the Control-M/Agent

Authorized Servers

Defines a list of backup servers which can replace the primary server if it fails. The Control-M/Agent only accept requests from servers on this list.

NOTE: You cannot submit Jobs to the same Control-M/Agent if there is more than one active Control-M/Server. Another Control-M/Agent instance must be installed with unique ports to support this configuration or Job status updates corrupt.


Check Interval (Available Agent)

Defines the number of seconds between status checks for each Control-M/Agent that communicates with Control-M/Server.

If you decrease the default value, it might impact Control-M/Server performance.

Default: 7200 (2 hours)

Retry Interval (Unavailable Agent)

Defines the number of seconds between attempts to communicate with a Control-M/Agent computer whose status is Unavailable.

If you decrease the default value, it might impact Control-M/Server performance.

Default: 90

Unavailability Shout Urgency

Determines the urgency level of a message sent with high priority sent from a Control-M/Agent with an Unavailable status.

Urgent message are sent with a special indication so that the recipient of the message is aware of the urgency.

Communication Timeout

Determines the maximum number of seconds that Control-M/Server attempts to connect to Control-M/Agent before the Control-M/Agent is set to Unavailable.

If you decrease the default value, it might impact Control-M/Server performance.

Default: 120

Agent TCP/IP Timeout

Defines the timeout used by the Control-M/Agent when listening on the Server to agent port number before timing out and performing housekeeping tasks

Maximum Retries

Defines the number of times Control-M/Server attempts to connect to Control-M/Agent before the Control-M/Agent is set to Unavailable.

Logical Agent Name

Defines a logical or alias name for the Control-M/Agent.

NOTE: If you have more than one Control-M/Agent on the same host that connects to the same Control-M/Sever, you must use this parameter to uniquely identify each Control-M/Agent.

The value must be the same as the value in Control-M/Server computer.

The logical name is used when the Control-M/Agent initiates the communication to Control-M/Server with the output from Control-M/Agent utilities and in messages sent to Control-M/Server.

Listen to Network Interface

Determines which network interface the Control-M/Agent is listening on.

It can be set to a specific hostname or IP address so that the Control-M/Agent port is not opened in the other interfaces.

Secure Socket Layer

Determines whether SSL is used to encrypt the communication between Control-M/Server and the Control-M/Agent. For more information, see Introduction to SSL for Control-M.


Defines a logical name that is used to label specific Control-M/Agents into a group with a specific authorization level. You can apply a specific tag to a Control-M/Agent, as described in Agents Management, or you can define your own tag with the asterisk character if you have the correct permissions.

Parent Topic

Defining a Control-M/Agent component