Performance parameters

The following table describes the performance parameters.




Determines the number of milliseconds to wait before a warning is issued stating that that DNS is performing too slow.

Default: 3000

To disable, set to 0.


Determines the number of milliseconds to wait before a warning is issued stating that the disk is performing too slow.

Default: 180

NOTE: This parameter is not generated when the debug level is set to 4.

To disable, set to 0.


Determines the number of milliseconds to wait before a warning is issued stating that the connection between Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent is too slow.

Default: 3000

To disable, set to 0.


Determines the number of milliseconds to wait before a warning is issued stating that the connection attempt after a failure between Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent is too slow.

Default: 30000

To disable, set to 0.

Parent Topic

Control-M/Server parameters