Communication parameters

The following table list the Control‑M/Server communication parameters.




Determines the hostname used by the Control-M/Agent to communicate with the Control-M/Server

Control-M/Server can be connected to the Control-M/EM through an IP/specific network and to the Control-M/Agents through a different segment of network using a different IPs to have more secure communication: <Administration IP> to connect to Control-M/EM and <Services IP> to connect to Control-M/Agents.

This parameter is used to separate the listening interface from Control-M/EM and Control-M/Agents.

How / where to set:

In the config.dat file of Control-M/Server and the CONFIG.dat file of Control-M/Agent, set the IPV_MODE parameter to DUAL and then restart both Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent.

Agent-to-Server Port Number (CTMS_PORT_NUM)

The listening port number of the NS process (not to be used for any other purpose in the server computer). Control‑M/Server communicates with Control‑M/Agent using two TCP/IP ports. CTMS_PORT_NUM specifies the port for data flowing from Control‑M/Server to Control‑M/Agent. The other port is specified using Server-to-Agent Port Number parameter.

NOTE: This number must match the value assigned to the Agent-to-Server Port Number parameter on the agent computer.

Valid Values: 1024–65534

Default: 7005 (On UNIX, the default value is overridden, using the value given during installation.)

How: ctm_menu > Parameter Customization > Basic Communication and Operational Parameters > Agent to Server Port.

Refresh Type: Recycle


Determines the number of seconds for the Control-M/Server to wait for an agent to respond to a request (all requests excluding submit, ping and save script requests).

Valid Values: 1-7200

Default: 3600

Allow Agent Disconnection (ALLOW_AG_DISCONNECTION)

Set the ALLOW_ AG_DISCONNECTION parameter to determine if the current connection to this AGT can be disconnected when MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS is reached.

Valid Values: Y and N

Default: Y


Determines the communication port number between the Control-M/Server Configuration Agents on the primary and secondary host in a High availability environment.

Default: 2368

How: ctm_menu > Parameter Customization > Basic Communication and Operational Parameters > High Availability Port Number.

Check Interval (AVPOLTIM)

Interval (in seconds) between status checks for each Control‑M/Agent that communicates with Control‑M/Server.

Valid Values: 30-65534

Default: 7200 (2 hours)

Communication Protocol

Protocol used to communicate with the agent computers. (The protocol specified here must be the same as that specified on the agent computer.)

Valid Values: TCP

Default: TCP It is recommended that you use TCP when there are many jobs running simultaneously reporting to Control‑M/Server.

Refresh Type: Recycle

Communication trace (COMM_TRACE)

Flag indicating whether communication packets that Control‑M/Agent sends to and receives from Control-M/Server are written to a file. If set to 1, separate files are created for each session (job, ping, and so forth). This parameter can only be changed after completing the installation.

Valid values: 1 (on), 0 (off)

Default: 0 (off)

Configuration Agent Port Number (CTM_CONFIG_AGENT_PORT_NUMBER)

The Control-M/Server Configuration Agent listening port number.

Valid values:

  • Distributed Control-M/Server: 1025–32767
  • MVS Control-M/Server: 1024–65534

Default: 2369

How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization => Basic Communication and Operational Parameters => Configuration agent Port.

Refresh Type: Recycle

CONTROL-M/Configuration Agent operation mode


Determines the mode of the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent.

Valid values:

  • 0 (OFF_MODE): Disable Configuration Agent process, no communication with CMS is allowed.
  • 1 (READ_MODE): Only life check and information requests are honored, any modifying request is rejected.
  • 2 (ALL_MODE) Any CMS request is honored.

Default: 2

Refresh Type: Recycle


The Control-M/Server Configuration Agent issues the following message when the number of unavailable agents is equal to or greater than the threshold:

Some of the Control-M/Agents are unavailable.

Valid values: 1–2^31

Default: 1

Refresh Type: Manual


For Control-M/Agents and remote hosts for which Control-M/Server has not previously identified the operating system and Agent version, the frequency, in seconds, with which Control-M/Server will try to retrieve that information so that it is available to the end user via CCM.

Default: 5 (seconds)


The port number that Control-M/Server uses to listen for communication from Control-M/EM. Verify that the port number is not used for any other purpose on the server computer.

Valid values: between 1025 and 32767 inclusive.

Default: 2370

Refresh Type: Recycle

Inter Process Communication (IPC) Port Number (CTM_RT_PORT_NUMBER)

The listening port number of the RT process.

Valid Values: 1025–32767

Default: 6005

How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization => Basic Communication and Operational Parameters => IPC Port.

Refresh Type: Recycle


Determines the number of bytes of the receive buffer of the TCP/IP socket connected to the Control-M/EM gateway.

Valid Values:

  • -1
  • 1024–10000000

    NOTE: -1 indicates using the machine's configured default.

Default: -1


Determines the number of bytes of the send buffer of the TCP/IP socket connected to the Control-M/EM gateway.

Valid Values:

  • -1
  • 1024–10000000

    NOTE: -1 indicates using the machine's configured default.

Default: -1

Local IP Host Interface Name

Host interface name of the TCP/IP network interface card on the server computer to use for communication with Control‑M/EM.

This name is typically the host name of the server computer. You should modify this parameter only if the server computer contains more than one network interface card (for example, Ethernet and Token-Ring).

Valid Values: host name, or host IP address (for example,

Default: the default host interface name defined in the server computer operating environment.

Configuration Agent Port

Port number for the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent.

Valid Values:

  • Distributed Control-M/Server: 1025–32767
  • MVS Control-M/Server: 1024–65534

Default: 2369

Refresh Type: Recycle

Maximum Concurrent Sessions (CTM_MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS)

Indicates the maximum number of concurrent sessions that the NS process will hold.

Once the maximum of the MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS parameter is reached, the session with the maximum idle time will be terminated in order to open a new connection. If this agent connection is marked as not allowed to be disconnected (see the ALLOW_ AG_DISCONNECTION parameter) then the next one in line will be disconnected.

Valid Values: All integers in the range of 16 to the maximum available according to the operating system.

Default: 256


Maximum number of requests (originating from CONTROL-M/EM gateways) that Control‑M/Server can queue.

Valid Values: 60–32000

Default: 60

How / where to set:

Refresh Type:


Enables alerts to be sent when variables have not been resolved during job submission. You can set this parameter in the config.dat file.

The format for the parameter is:


Valid values:

  • N – Do not send alert
  • R – Regular (default value)
  • U – Urgent
  • V – Very urgent

For changes to take effect, restart Control-M/Server or run the following command:

ctmipc -dest ALL -msgid CFG


Communication timeout in seconds.

Valid Values: 10–2^31

Default: 60 (seconds)

How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization => Default Parameters for Communicating with Agent Platforms => Communication Timeout.

Refresh Type: Recycle


Communication retry value.

Valid Values: 1–2^31 (seconds)

Default: 5

How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization => Default Parameters for Communicating with Agent Platforms => Maximum Retries.

Refresh Type: Recycle

Communication Protocol Version (COMVERSION)

Version of Control-M/Agent.

Valid values:

  • 09 - 7.0.00
  • 10 – 8.0.00
  • 11 - 9.0.00

Default: 11


Determines the number of bytes of the receive buffer of the TCP/IP socket used by the CE process for internal communication.

Valid Values:

  • -1
  • 1024–10000000

    NOTE: -1 indicates using the machine's configured default.

Default: -1


Determines the number of bytes of the send buffer of the TCP/IP socket used by the CE process for internal communication.

Valid Values:

  • -1
  • 1024–10000000

    NOTE: -1 indicates using the machine's configured default.

Default: -1


Determines whether to enable IPV6.

Valid Values:

  • IPV4
  • DUAL (Enables IPV6)

Default: IPV4

How / where to set: In the config.dat file of Control-M/Server and the CONFIG.dat file of Control-M/Agent, set the IPV_MODE parameter to DUAL and then restart both Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent.

NOTE: If Control-M/Server and/or Control-M/Agent.are installed on AIX, verify that the fix for APAR IV23320 is installed.

If you want to enable IPV6 before installation, see Setting environment variables in UNIX.

Maximum Disconnect Time (MAX_DISCONNECT_TIME)

Sets the maximum time in which the NS allows an agent to be disconnected before it will initiate a session with it (although there's nothing to submit to it). The MAX_DISCONNECT_TIME parameter is relevant only if the ALLOW_COMM_INIT parameter on the agent is set to NO.

Valid Values: integers in the range 30 - 86400 (in seconds)

Default: 300


Used in various ways, for example, the name of the server to be sent to the Agent, for later comparison with the Agent's permitted server list.

Valid Values: 50 characters

Default: gethostname

How / where to set:

(UNIX) In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization => Basic Communication and Operational Parameters => Local IP host interface name.

Refresh Type: Recycle


Enables you to define an IP address for Server to Agent connections. Update this parameter in the local_config.dat file.

Valid Values: IP address or hostname

Default: hostname

Refresh Type: Recycle

Persistent Connection (PERSISTENT_CONNECTION)

Indicates the persistent connection setting. Set the PERSISTENT_CONNECTION parameter to connect to a specific agent with either a persistent or transient connection.

When Persistent Connection is set to Y (for example, with an agent version 6.2.01), the NS process creates a persistent connection with the agent and manages the session with this agent. If the connection is broken with an agent or NS is unable to connect with an agent, the agent is marked as Unavailable. When the connection with the agent is resumed, the NS recreates a persistent connection with the agent and marks the agent as Available.

Valid Values: Y or N

Default: N for a new agent installation and N for an agent that is known to Control-M/Server before upgrading to version 6.2.01 and above.

Polling Interval (POLLTIME)

Time interval (in seconds) between requests from Control‑M/Server for status updates from agent computers that are executing jobs.

Valid Values: 60-65534

Default: 900


Determines the Server to Agent port number.

Valid Values: 1024 to 65534

Retry Interval (UNAVPOLTIM)

Length of time to wait (in seconds) between attempts to communicate with an agent computer whose status is Unavailable.

Valid Values: 30-65534

Default: 90

Session Idle Timeout (SESSION_IDLE_TIMEOUT)

Indicates the maximum time a session can be in idle before NS terminates it.

Valid Values: integers in the range 30 ‑ 86400 (in seconds)

Default: 900


Determines the number of bytes of the send buffer of TCP/IP sockets created by the C processes of Control-M/Server.

Valid Values:

  • 0
  • 1024-10000000

    NOTE: 0 indicates using the machine's configured default

Default: 0


Determines the number of seconds for the Control-M/Server to wait for an agent to respond to a submit request before a timeout.

Valid Values: 1-3600

Default: 240

Unavailability Shout Urgency (UNAV_URGENCY)

Indicates messages with a high priority sent from an agent assigned Unavailable status. Urgent message are sent with a special indication so that the recipient of the message is aware of the urgency.

Valid values: R, U, or V

Default: R

Parent Topic

Control-M/Server parameters