Global Conditions Server (GCS) logging parameters

The following table lists Global Conditions Server (GCS) logging parameters.




Logging information level for condition transfer activities. Information is displayed for conditions received (In), conditions sent (Out), transfer confirmation and rejection actions, and communication problems.

Valid values:

0 – No diagnostics

1 – Condition transfer, problem, and information received

2 – Condition transfer, problem, and information sent

3 – Value 1 + value 2 (Default)


Logging information level for messages related to database activities. Diagnostic information is displayed about condition transfer requests inserted or deleted in the database or read from the database for recovery operations.

Valid values:

0 – No diagnostics

1 – Messages about database writing (insert, update, delete)

2 – Value 1 plus database reading (recovery operations) activity (Default)


Determines the logging information level for messages related to internal GCS actions involving temporary problems and rebound situations. The information is displayed about GCS condition handling activities.

Valid values:

0 – No diagnostics

1 – Condition actions based on conflict handling policies

Default: 1


Maximum number of record lines in the GCS_LOG file. When the number of record lines in the currently open GCS_LOG file reaches the value specified in this parameter, the file is closed and a new GCS_LOG file is opened.

Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 0. If the value is 0, the file never closes, because there is no maximum size.

Default: 15000 KB


Maximum number of log files to be managed cyclically. When the number of GCS_LOG files reaches the value specified in this parameter, the oldest file is deleted, in order for a new GCS_LOG file to be created.

Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 0.

Default: 5


Determines whether to display the new Message ID in the GCS Log.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N

Default: N

Parent Topic

Control-M/EM system parameters