Global Conditions Server administration parameters

The following table refers to Global Conditions Server administration parameters.




Interval (in seconds) between sending groups of conditions to a reconnecting data center.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support

Default: 0


Maximum number of messages to send in a group to a reconnected data center.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless requested to do so by BMC Software Customer Support.

Default: 1000000


Interval, in seconds, when the GCS deletes unused conditions from the database. These conditions may have no data center destinations.

Valid values: 601 seconds (10 minutes)

Default: 900 (15 minutes)


Maximum time, in seconds, unused conditions wait in the database before they are removed. These conditions may have no data center destinations.

Valid values: 601 or higher

Default: 86400 (24 hours)


Determines the number of threads dispatching updates to destinations.

Default: 1


Determines the number of seconds before GCS cleans already handled conditions from memory and the database.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support.

Default: 120


Determines how to handle conflicting add or delete requests for global conditions when the requests are received within the interval specified in GcDoneWaitSecs.

Valid values:

  • ALL: Handle all requests, in the order they arrived, until they are sent to all destinations
  • TOGGLE: Each time a new request conflicts with the current request, stop processing the current request and start processing the new request.
  • NO_TOGGLING: Continue processing the current request and ignore all conflicting requests.

Default: TOGGLE


Minimum time (in seconds) global conditions wait in memory, after they have been sent to all connected data centers, before they are removed. This "waiting period" prevents conditions from being sent again.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support.

Default: 120


Maximum number of retries to send conditions to a data center that had previously returned a temporary error.

Valid values : Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support.

Default: 5


Interval (in seconds) between attempts to send conditions to a data center that had previously returned a temporary error.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support.

Default: 180

NOTE: In Control-M/EM environments with high workloads, the Global Conditions server might not respond to life check requests because it is busy communicating with gateways and re-sending messages. It is reccomended to change the value to 360 or more to avoid overloading the Global Conditions server and help it respond to the Maintenance Agent.

Refreh type: Manual


Indicates whether to activate toggling policies for identical operations (like COND X ADD after COND X ADD).

Valid values:

  • 1: All operations
  • 0: For different operations (COND X DELETE after COND X ADD).

Default: 1


Determines whether to enable or disable sending xalerts when a condition is not sent.

Valid values:

  • ON
  • OFF

Default: ON


Determines the size of GCS maintenance thread pool.

Default: 1


Default port where GCS waits for requests from clients (such as ctl commands or life check messages). This value is used only if a port has not been defined using the HostPort system parameter. Furthermore, this port is used only if it is not busy; otherwise GCS selects a free port at random.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support.

Default: 10,000


Interval (in seconds) between attempts to communicate with a gateway.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support.

Default: 60


Determines the size of main GCS thread pool.

Default: 2


Interval (in seconds) between readings of the Communication Table in the Control‑M/EM database for new data centers.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support.

Default: 60

Parent Topic

Control-M/EM system parameters