Managing alerts

This procedure describes how to view information about each alert, change the alerts' statuses, remove old alerts, add notes to alerts, and set additional options to alerts.

To manage alerts:

  1. From Monitoring domain, select Alerts.

    The Alerts window appears.

  2. From the alerts list, select an alert.
  3. From the Alerts ribbon, in the Actions group you can select one of the following:
  4. Select Always Monitor Alerts to constantly update the alerts list.

    NOTE: When you select Always Monitor Alerts, Control-M client keeps all the alerts in its memory and polls the Control-M/EM GUI server for new alerts, even when the Alerts window is closed. You can see alert pop ups in the Control-M client. If you do not select the Always Monitor Alerts, automatic refresh occurs as long as you open the Alerts monitor, but when the Alerts Monitor Alerts closes, Control-M Client does not poll the Control-M/EM GUI server and no alerts are kept in the Client's memory.

  5. In the properties pane, from the Severity field, select the alert's severity.
  6. In the properties pane, in the Reported Information section, add a note in the Notes field.

Parent Topic

Alerts Monitor