Creating a new entry in a shout destination table

This procedure describes how to create a new entry in a shout destination table from the ctmsys utility.

To create a new entry in a shout destination table:

  1. Type n.

    The following prompts appear:

    Dest. Type: (U)ser (M)ail (T)erminal c(O)nsole (L)og (P)rogram Control-M/(E)M:

  2. Specify the letter corresponding to the desired destination type.

    The following prompt is displayed:

    Address Type (S)erver or (A)gent:

  3. For Destination types U, M, P, T, or O, specify whether the destination is on the server (S) or agent (A). For Destination type E, specify S.

    The following prompt is displayed:

    Logical Name:

  4. Specify the logical name for this destination.

    The following prompt is displayed:

    Physical Name:

  5. For Destination types U, M, P, or T, specify the physical name. For Destination types O and E, leave this field blank.

    The new entry is added to the table.

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