Importing jobs to a Workspace

This procedure describes how to import jobs and folders from an XML or a crontab file.

To import jobs to a workspace:

  1. From the Workspace tab, click Import.

    The Open dialog box appears.

  2. Select the file to import, and click Open.

    The file is imported if it is valid and no conflicts exist. If the Import Error and Conflicts dialog box appears, then there are errors and/or conflicts.

    NOTE:If an error appears, fix the error in the XML file, and re-import the file.

  3. If there are one or more conflicts such as an unknown Control-M/Server in the Resolution column, resolve each conflict by selecting one of the following from the drop-down list, and following the on-screen instructions:

    If you selected Use temporary Control-M Server or Assign existing Control-M Server, in the Version column, select the Control-M Server from the drop-down list.

  4. After you resolve all conflicts, click Continue.

    The jobs defined in the import file are imported into the Workspace.

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