cli parameters

The following table lists the cli utility parameters:




Defines the Control-M/EM database owner user name.


Defines the Control-M/EM database owner user password.

<password file>

Flat file containing an unencrypted user name and password on separate lines in the format:


<Server Name>

Defines the host name of the workstation running Control-M/EM database Server.

NOTE: If you need to address a GUI server and multiple GUI servers exist, set this parameter to the logical name of the relevant GUI server.

<timeout in seconds>

Defines the time, in seconds, that the utility waits for a response. Timeout is used to override the default waiting period (120 seconds).

NOTE: Do not use timeout with commands that do not return a response (-JOB_DELETE and ‑MEM_DELETE).


If specified, reverses the Odate format, as described below.


Forces the specified folder or calendar. Use this option during upload only.


A note saved in the audit report explaining the purpose for performing the action.


A note saved in the audit report justifying the performance of the action.


The syntax for additional commands that are available for specifying with the cli utility. For more information, see cli cmd parameters.


Defines the Control-M name.


Defines the name of the job.


Defines the name of the folder.


Defines the name of sub folder.

<Control-M Calendar>

Defines the name of the Control-M Calendar you want to upload or download.


Specify either as: MMDD or YYYYMMDD.

<Odate> may also be ODAT for Control-M version 6.0.00 or later (Order or Force Folder in the Original Scheduling Date)

If the -DDMM is specified, <Odate> can be specified as DDMM or DDMMYYYY


Valid values are:

  • RECENT: Orders/forces a job into the recent SMART Folder that was previously ordered
  • NEW: Orders/forces a job into a new folder
  • STANDALONE: Orders/Forces a job as a standalone job
  • <TableID>: Orders/forces a job/subfolder into a specified folder


Specify if <folder> is RECENT or <TableID>, otherwise do not specify.

Specify one of the following values:

  • N - Do not allow duplication of the job.
  • Y - Allow duplication of the job.


Determines whether you should wait for the Order date to run the job.

  • For Control-M for Z/OS this field is Mandatory. Valid values are:

Y - Wait for Order date to run job.

N - Run the job immediately.

For Control-M for Distributed Systems this field is optional. If omitted, the job runs immediately. If not omitted, the only valid value is Wait_Odate, which means wait for Order date to run the job.


Enables you to hold all jobs immediately after they are ordered.

Specify one of the following values:

  • N - Order/Force the job in a free state.
  • Y or With_Hold - Order/Force the job in a Hold state.


Determines if a flow in a folder is ordered uniquely. This is only relevant if you are ordering a single folder created in Control-M/EM version 8.0.00 and above. A unique suffix is added to every condition name.

Valid values:

  • Yes
  • No


(Control-M for z/OS only) Defines the name of the library in which the folder is located.


Indicates whether the calendar is a Rule Based Calendar (RBC). Values:

  • N: Not an RBC (default)
  • Y: Is an RBC

Parent Topic

cli utility