ctmhostmap parameters

The following table lists the ctmhostmap utility parameters:




Override a regular agent computer that has the same name as the specified computer. Optional.

This option is used in order to convert regular agent to remote host. For more information, see the appendix in the in Defining a remote host.


Specifies the name of the remote host computer or <Default>. The name of the host cannot exceed 50 characters.

This parameter is:

  • mandatory when specified with add, update, and delete
  • optional when specified with list

    <Default > is not applicable if the delete action is specified.

If -host is specified with -list, the remote host is not <Default>, and the status is not Discovering, then the details of the specified remote host are displayed. The output includes the following:

  • all the remote host definition parameter values
  • remote host status
  • status of each agent, showing which remote host is defined to be available through it

To view the "Default Remote Settings", specify the following command:

ctmhostmap -action list -host "<Default>"


List of agent names, separated by semi-colons (;). For UNIX: Enclose the entire list in quotation marks.

This parameter is:

  • mandatory when specified with add
  • optional when specified with update

For example, to list more than one Control-M/Agent, the entire list must be separated by semi-colons, for example pluto;mars;saturn. For UNIX, the list would be: "pluto;mars;saturn".


Indicates which protocol is used by the agent to execute jobs on the remote host computer. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • SSH – Secure Shell (SSH) for UNIX or Windows computers
  • WMI – Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) for Windows computers

If SSH is specified, then the following parameters must be specified:


Specifies the SSH port number that the SSH daemon is listening to on the remote host computer. Valid value: 22 or an integer from 1024 through 65535


Indicates which SSH encryption algorithm is being used. Valid values are:

  • AES
  • DES
  • 3DES


Valid values are:

  • Y – compression is used
  • N – compression is not used

If WMI is specified, then the outputdir parameter must be specified.

NOTE: The outputdir must either be prefaced with double back-slashes (for example d:\\output_dir), or be enclosed with quotation marks (for example "d:\output_dir").


Indicates the directory used for the OUTPUT files created by jobs that have been submitted. The name of the outputdir cannot exceed 1,024 characters.

NOTE: Configure the specified directory on the remote host as a shared directory, with the shared name of OUTPUT.

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