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ctl example

This example describes specifying a specific server component and computer.

The following table lists examples showing how you can ensure that only specific server components and computers are selected. In the examples, only the relevant section of the code is displayed.



em ctl -U user01 -P pass01 -C Gateway -dc ctm_main

Direct the ctl command to the Gateway for data center ctm_main.

em ctl -U user01 -P pass01 -C GCS -all

Direct the ctl command to all Global Conditions Servers.

em ctl -U user01 -P pass01 -C GCS -M wip78

Direct the ctl command to the Global Conditions Server of the computer named wip78.

em ctl -U user01 -P pass01 -C GUI_Server -name gsr01

Direct the ctl command to the GUI Server on the computer with the logical name of gsr01.

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