ctmvar parameters

The following table lists the ctmvar utility parameters:




Indicates the action to be performed on the specified variable. The possible actions are:


Loads variables from a file. When this option is used, parameter -filename is required. The format for each variable in the specified file is: %%[\<SMARTflder>[\<job>]]\<varName>=<expression>

If the variable does not exist in the data center or the specified SMART Folder or job, it is created.

If the variable already exists, it is updated with the specified value.


Defines a new variable. When this option is used, parameters -var and ‑varexpr are required.

If the variable does not exist in the data center or the specified SMART Folder or job, it is created.

If the variable already exists, it is updated with the specified value.


Deletes a Global variable. When this option is used, the -var parameter is mandatory.

This action cannot be used for variables that have been defined for a specific job or SMART Folder.


Displays all Global variables for the data center or all variables for the specified SMART Folder specified in the -var parameter.


ctmvar -action LIST

Displays all Global variables for the data center.

ctmvar -action LIST -var "%%\PAYROLL"

Displays all variables that are global for the PAYROLL SMART Folder.

Variable values can also be displayed using the ctmstvar utility. However, the ctmstvar utility resolves the current value of only a specified variable or function. The ctmvar utility displays all variables in the data center or the specified SMART Folder.


Defines the name and location of the variable that the specified action should be applied to.

Valid formats:

  • -var "%%\<var_name>": Defines a global variable for an entire data center.
  • -var "%%\<SMART_folder_name>\<var_name>": Defines a local variable for every SMART Folder with the specified name.
  • -var "%%\<folder_name>\<jobName>\<var_name>": Defines a local variable for a specified job in the relevant folder.

    NOTE: The <jobName> must not belong to a Sub Folder.

    NOTE: This parameter cannot be specified together with -action LOAD.
    For more information about variables, see Control-M Variable facility.


Value to be assigned to the specified variable. The specified value can be:

a string (embedded in quotation)

an integer (a numeric value)

a Variable expression (for example, with an Variable function)

another (existing) global variable.

This parameter cannot be specified together with
-action LOAD.For more information, see Control-M Variable facility.


Path and name of the file containing the list of variables. The file must be accessible to Control-M/Server. This parameter is only valid when specified together with -action LOAD.

The syntax for each line in the specified file is %%[\<ctmvar>[\<job>]]\<varName>=<expression>

Specify the entire pathname in this parameter.


Suppresses the display of the results.


Sets a debug level for the utility. This parameter is used for maintenance and troubleshooting purposes. The level, a numeric value from 0 to 5, must be used only if requested and specified by Technical Support.

Performance is somewhat slower and requires a larger number of resources when operating in debug mode. BMC recommends that you activate debug mode only when absolutely necessary and revert to normal mode as soon as possible.


Name and full path of a file containing parameters for the utility. In this file, each parameter and its values (if any) are on a separate line with the same syntax they would have on the command line. Using the -input_file parameter enables you to:

  • prepare and save files of utility parameters that can be reused.
  • specify utility input longer than the number of characters allowed in the command line.


    -input_file ~<controlm_owner>/ctm_server/data/ctmvar_parms.txt



Indicates the variable action to be performed in the specified named pool. The following are possible actions:


Loads variable values from a specified file to pool. The file name is the path name of a text file containing the variable assignment statements.

This file must be accessible to Control‑M/Server. The file must contain a single assignment on each line.


ctmvar -POOL load -POOLNAME <pool name> - FROM <file name>


Defines a new or updates an existing variable in the specified pool.

If the variable does not exist in the data center, it is created.

If the variable already exists, it is updated with the specified value.


ctmvar -POOL setvar -POOLNAME <pool name> -VAR <variable name> -VALUE <variable value>


Deletes a named pool from the data center.


ctmvar - POOL - delete -POOLNAME <pool name>


Lists all named pools in the data center.


ctmvar -POOL list


Displays the list of variables in the named pool.


ctmvar - POOL - view -POOLNAME <pool name>

Parent Topic
