ctmldnrs utility parameters

The following table describes the ctmldnrs utility parameters:




Name and full path of a file containing parameters for the utility.

In this file, each parameter and its values (if any) are on a separate line with the same syntax they would have on the command line.

Using the -input_file parameter enables you to do the following:

  • prepare and save files of utility parameters that can be reused
  • specify utility input longer than the number of characters allowed in the command line


YES – When the new Manual Conditions file is created, conditions from the previous file are retained in the new file.

NO – The Manual Conditions file is recreated and all previous conditions are deleted. Default.


Output file to be created. If this parameter is not specified, the default file is <controlmUserDir>/ctmldnrs.dat.


Full path name of the output file to be created.


All conditions that satisfy the specified condition name are ignored when the file is created.


References to conditions that satisfy a condition name that is specified in OUT COND job processing parameters are ignored by the algorithm that builds the file.


References to conditions that satisfy a condition name that is specified in DO COND job processing parameters are ignored by the algorithm that builds the file.


Name of the prerequisite condition.

The condition name can include the wildcard character * to represent any number of characters (including no characters). In this instance, the condition name must be enclosed in quotation marks (for example, "LVL *"). Specify "*" by itself to include all existing conditions.

When using both open and closed square brackets ([ and ]), the condition name must be enclosed in quotation marks (for example, "RATE[A1]").


Specifies the action to be taken with jobs that are in Wait ODATE state

When this parameter is specified, jobs in Wait ODATE state are included in the utility processing.

When this parameter is not specified, jobs in Wait ODATE state are excluded from the processing of the ctmldnrs utility (default).

Conditions added by ctmldnrs with a date reference (month and day) that is later than the current Control-M/Server date (ODATE) are deleted by the Control-M/Server New Day processing a day before that date arrives. If this action is not the intended action, set New Day processing to not perform old conditions clean up. You can manually delete the old conditions a few days after they are no longer required.

EXAMPLE: Set the Ignore New Day Conditions parameter to Y by using the ctmsys utility.

Specify * in the
file (all the conditions are ignored).

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