ctmkeygen utility parameters

The following table describes the parameters in the ctmkeygen utility:




Logical name of the key that is used as a unique identifier. It also determines the name of the public key file. The name is comprised of letters, numbers, and underscores.


Phrase used as a key to encrypt the key itself.


Specifies the standard used for the key. Mandatory when used with add, optional when used with update. Valid values are:

  • RSA
  • DSA


Specifies the strength of the encryption key in bits. Mandatory when used with add, optional when used with update. Valid values are:

  •   512
  •   768
  • 1024
  • 2048
  • 3072

    The minimum value of the bits must be at least equal to the minimum value of bits specified for the SSH server.


Specifies the public key file format. It must match the format used by the SSH server. Mandatory when used with add, optional when used with update. Valid values are:

  • openssh – for OpenSSH servers
  • ssh2 – for ssh2 servers


Specifies the location where the public key file is created.


Specifies the public key name. The format of the file depends on what is specified for the –format parameter, described above.


Describes what action to take with the imported data from the text file. Specify one of the following:


the details of the SSH keys from the imported text file are added to the existing SSH keys


the details of the SSH keys from the imported text file replace the existing SSH keys

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