Report Menu options

The following table lists the Report Menu options.




Database Status


  • PostgreSQL
  • Oracle

Displays various server and client details.

  • DB Type
  • Is Up
  • Is Remote DB
  • Last Startup Time
  • DB Server OS Version
  • DB Server Host Name
  • DB Server OS Type
  • DB Server Archive Directory
  • DB Server Port
  • DB Client OS Version
  • DB Client Host Name
  • DB Client OS Type
  • DB Server Version
  • DB Client Version

NOTE: You can also run this as an interactive utility, as described in DBUStatus.

Database Parameters


  • PostgreSQL
  • Oracle

Control-M/EM: Displays the configuration parameters of the server database and the Control-M/EM database client.

Control-M/Server: Displays the configuration parameters of the Server database and the Control-M/Server database client.

NOTE: Configuration parameters are sorted alphabetically.

You can also run this as an interactive utility, as described in Running the DBUShow utility.

Database Storage Report


  • PostgreSQL
  • Oracle

Control-M/EM: Displays the attributes of the Control-M/EM database in the server database.

Control-M/Server: Displays the attributes of the Control-M/Server database in the Server database

  • DB Name
  • Type
  • Size (refers to the operating system disk space)
  • Free
  • Used
  • Used percentage
  • Message (Warns the user when there is diminished disk space capacity within the Control-M/EM database server)

You can also run this as an interactive utility, as described in DBUStorage

Database Version



  • PostgreSQL
  • Oracle

Displays the general description of the database server, and includes the version number.

You can also run this as an interactive utility, as described in Running the DBUVersion utility.

List All Active Transactions


  • PostgreSQL
  • Oracle

List all active transactions of the Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server database for the database user.

You can also run this as a utility, as described in Running the DBUTransactions utility

Consistency Check

  • Oracle

Checks tables in the database. Run this option when you suspect that there is database corruption.

Parent Topic
