db check utility parameters

The following table describes the db_check utility parameters:



-d <dbThreshold%>

Maximum percentage of database use. When this percentage is exceeded, a message is displayed alerting you to extend the database.

NOTE: The -d must be lowercase.

-l <logThreshold%>

Maximum percentage of transaction log use. When this percentage is exceeded, a message is displayed alerting you to extend the transaction log.

NOTE: The -l must be lowercase.

-p <password>

Password for the Control‑M/EM administrator. If not specified, you are prompted to supply this information when the utility runs.

NOTE: The -p must be lowercase.


When ‑n is specified, db_check is executed without verifying the total database integrity.

NOTE: The -n must be specified in lowercase.


When ‑h is specified, db_check displays the amount of database space that is in use.

NOTE: The -h must be specified in lowercase.

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