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ctmsetown utility examples

The following are examples of the ctmsetown utility commands that are run from Control-M/Server, apart from the last example which is run from Control-M/Agent.

To create an entry with the security details of a user whose name is username1, the name of the host computer is saturn and the user password is pass01, specify the following command:

ctmsetown -action add -run_as username1 -host saturn -password pass01

The following message is displayed:

Entry created successfully.

Create a user entry as in the first example, however, use the keyname k1 and passphrase BMC user. Specify the following command:

ctmsetown -action add -run_as username1 -host saturn -keyname k1 -passphrase "BMC user"

The following message is displayed:

Entry created successfully.

Assume that the security details of the run_as, described in the first example, already exists. To change the password from pass01 to newpass, specify the following command:

ctmsetown -action update -run_as username1 -host saturn -password newpass

The following message is displayed:

Entry updated successfully.

To delete the user entry created in the first example, specify the following command:

ctmsetown -action delete -run_as username1 -host saturn

The following message is displayed:

Entry deleted successfully.

To list the security details of user entries, specify the following command:

ctmsetown -action list

Run_as Host Password/Key Flag Key value

----- ---- ----------------- ---------

jupiter saturn Key Key1

jupiter venus Password Not Applicable

2 entries were found.

To create an export text file containing a list of security details of user entries, specify the following command:

ctmsetown -action export -filename /home/ctm900oe/sec.exp

The following is displayed:

Exporting data, please wait...

Export ended successfully.

Check report file ~<controlm_run_as>/ctm_server/proclog/export_report_53d1.txt’ for details.

To import the /home/ctm900oe/sec.exp text file created in the sixth example, containing a list of security user entries, and to replace the current security user information, specify the following command:

ctmsetown -action import -filename /home/ctm900oe/sec.exp -data truncate

The following is displayed:

Importing data, please wait...

Import ended successfully.

Check report file ~<controlm_run_as>/ctm_server/proclog/import_report_53d9.txt’ for details.

Example to show ctmsetown run from an agent computer to update the password of a user.

Assume that the old password of user agentuser1 is agntpass01. To change the password to newpass, specify the following command:

ctmsetown -action update -run_as agentuser1 -host saturn -password newpass

The following message is displayed:

Entry updated successfully.

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