Tandem job assign parameters

The following table describes the Tandem job Assign parameters.



Assigns Logical Name

(Mandatory) Defines the logical name as it is known to the application’s program.

Physical Name

Defines the name of the file to be accessed by the user program during runtime.

Program Name

Defines which programs use the Assign.

Exclusion Mode

Determines the circumstances under which other processes can access the file. Special Values:


File Access Mode

Specifies the file operations that can be performed. Special Values:

  • I-O

Record Size

Defines the length of the record in the program (range 1 to 65535).

Block Length

Defines the size of the data block to be used by the program (range 1 to 65535).

File Code

Assigns a code to the file (range 0 to 65535).

Extent Size

Defines the primary extent size and secondary extent size.

Parent Topic

Tandem job parameters