ctmpsm options for scheduling functions

The following table lists options for the scheduling functions:

If a folder that is associated with more than one Order method is modified using Control‑M/EM and then uploaded to Control-M/Server, that folder is removed from all User dailies except the one that is associated with it in Control‑M/EM.






Adds an order method to an existed folder. When selected, you are prompted for the Folder name and Order method name.


Delete UserDaily Folder #

Removes an instance of a Folder from the Control‑M/Server database.

If the specified instance is the only instance of the folder (that is, that folder is ordered by only one order method), the Folder and all its associated jobs are deleted.

If the specified instance is not the only instance of the folder, then only the specified instance is removed from the Control‑M/Server database.


Force folder #

Forces a specific Folder (for example, specify F6 to force folder RE_OUTPUT).

The following prompt is displayed:


Enter the odate for the job to be forced in YYYYMMDD format, or enter the value ODAT to indicate that the job should use the current working date as its odate.

The following prompt is displayed:


To run jobs now with the specified odate, specify, VALUE_DATE

To wait until the specified odate begins before running the jobs, specify RUN_DATE.

If the specified folder is a SMART Folder, the following prompt is displayed:

Please choose one of the following:

A) Alone.

N) New sub application.

L) Last.

B) Bind to existing group Orderno.

These options are described below:

  • A – Forces each job in the folder separately as a non-sub application job.
  • N – Forces the jobs in the folder as a new sub application in the Active Jobs database.
  • L – Forces the jobs in the folder, and adds them to the most recently ordered sub application in the Active Jobs database.
  • B – Forces the jobs in the folder, and adds them to a specified application in the Active Jobs database.


List jobs #

Lists content of a folder and provides options to force a specific job or Sub Folder or generate a report (for example, specify J1 to list the jobs in folder supply).


Remove Folder

Deletes a specific Folder and all its associated jobs (for example, specify R RE_OUTPUT to delete folder RE_OUTPUT).


Update folder #

Updates the Order method name for a specific Folder (for example, specify U6 to update the Order method name for folder RE_OUTPUT).

Parent Topic

Running the ctmpsm utility interactively