ctmsweep parameters

The following table lists the ctmsweep utility parameters.




Sets the date selection criteria for obsolete jobs

The format of the -Date parameter is <yyyymmddDate>. The default is two days before the current date.


Causes the ctmsweep utility to scan all job definitions and generate the sweep_obsolete.txt file, which consists of a report of the current obsolete jobs and folders, without actually deleting the jobs

-H | -Help

Displays the usage


Activates a debug trace at the specified level

Valid debug trace levels are 0–5. The default is 0.

NOTE: Performance is slower when Control-M/Server is operating in debug mode. BMC recommends that you activate debug mode only when requested by Customer Support.


Indicates which components are to be traced for diagnostic purposes

Valid values are as follows:

  • 0 – all components
  • 1 – common functionality flow (default)
  • 2 – event manager
  • 3 – database layer

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