ctmimptb parameters

The following table lists the ctmpimptb utility parameters:




Indicates the full path to the file that holds the job definition folders to be imported. This file is in XML and is generated by the exportdeffolder utility in Control-M/EM.


determines how the utility responds when a folder that already exists in Control-M/Server is imported:

  • When this parameter is specified, the current folder in the Control-M/Server database is replaced with the imported folder, and a message similar to the following message is issued:

    "Schedule folder already exists in the database and overwrite was specified. Overwriting this folder"

  • When this parameter is not specified, the imported folder is rejected, leaving the current folder in the Control-M/Server database unchanged, and a message similar to the following message is issued:

    "Schedule folder already exists in the database and overwrite was not specified. Skip importing this folder."

After either using the imported folder to replace the current folder in the Control-M/Server database or rejecting the imported folder, the ctmimptb utility continues processing the file.


activates a debug trace at the specified level

Valid levels are 0-5. The default is 0.

NOTE: Performance is slower when Control-M/Server is operating in debug mode. BMC recommends that you activate debug mode only when requested by Customer Support.


indicates which components are to be traced for diagnostic purposes

Valid values are as follows:

  • 0 – all components
  • 1 – common functionality flow (default)
  • 2 – event manager
  • 3 – database layer

-H | -Help

displays the usage of the utility

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